Swiss NGO Coalition’s Submission to the 14th Universal Periodical Review (UPR) 2012 of Switzerland, April 2012

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Swiss NGO Coalition for the UPR
Entry on Intersex:

Submitted by a Coalition of 47 Swiss NGOs in April 2012 for the forthcoming 14th UPR of Switzerland by the Human Rights Council in October 2012.
The Review will be on Monday, October 29th 09:00-12:30h; the Adoption of the Report on Wednesday, October 31st 10:00-11:30h.
The Recommendations will probably be published on November 5th.

The entry on Intersex Genital Mutilation on p. 9 of the shadow report:

18. Cosmetic genital surgery performed on children

About 1 child in 1000 is born with “inconclusive“ physical sexual characteristics (hermaphrodism, intersex, disorders of sex development). Such children are very frequently operated on “for cosmetic reasons” at a baby age. Those affected often see these operations as unwanted surgery without medical necessity and evidence. Furthermore, such interventions represent an infringement to the right to physical integrity and self-determination.


Switzerland should establish a commission to deal with the issues of those affected by the consequences of cosmetic genital surgery in an unbiased and fair manner.

>>> Urgent Call for Support! 
Fact Sheet “Western Genital Mutilation” (PDF, 75 kb)